• 020 3617 1123
  • info@knowledgetuition.co.uk
  • Mon-Sat 8.00-18.00 | Sunday CLOSED



We track all of our students progress with our progress reports, which we update at the end of every session at the end of every term we will give you a feedback sheet and newsletter with how your child and the center is doing. From such small classes our tutors will come to know your child very well and can also raise any problems or queries with you. If we feel that a child is finding the work too difficult or easy we will endeavor to adapt the work appropriately.

We believe that parental support and encouragement is fundamental to every child’s success in every aspect of their lives. To help your child make the most of their sessions provide them with the space, place and time to study and give them praise and encouragement with their studies. Also try to stay in good communication with us at the centre and with your child’s tutor.

The monthly fee varies depending on how many sessions you book. The more sessions you book the lower the rate of the classes. Please see our prices list or class lists for more information.

We equip our students with a healthy attitude towards their studies and learning skills, which will improve their performance right across the school curriculum and make them more confident with their homework. We believe every student, if given the right support has the potential to study work beyond their age level and have a positive attitude towards their studies. This kind of individual encouragement alongside our high quality tutors and teaching material complements the school curriculum and will help with all school work and homework.

We welcome both young children as young as 5 years up to an age 17. Whatever goals or long term achievements an individual may have we are able to provide the academic support needed.

We encourage both children who are excelling at their academic studies and those who are having difficulties, and every child in between. We approach the wide differences between all our children through our small, personal classes and by keeping track of their progress through out progress reports. If we can see that a child is able to be pushed in certain areas of their work we will endeavour to this, and we will also do our upmost to offer extra support and guidance to a child who is struggling with an aspect of their studies. KN Childcare welcomes students with any kinds of special needs, both gifted children and those who know they can achieve more.

Rather than preparing children for school examinations, tutor gives time and attention to ensuring that our children understand what it is that they are learning, and how it is that they are learning so that they are able to carry this knowledge forward into other subject areas and areas in life. Our approach to learning is more holistic than that of the traditional school classroom.

We have a maximum of six - eight students per class, which immediately establishes a personalised, individual learning experience within a warm, friendly and open environment.

we support our students through personalised, individual learning plans. We believe that education is not restricted to the confines of subject areas, and that it is crucial for children to learn how to learn. We help our students to realise not only their academic potential but also their critical thinking potential, in this way our students are consistently supported to think for themselves and find the answers they need through a channel that works best for them. Our students are, therefore, as effective at learning as they can be, not only in the classroom but in the world outside.